Beatles quotes about “Lovely Rita” JOHN 1980: “That’s Paul writing a pop song. He makes ’em up like a novelist. You hear lots of McCartney-influenced songs on the radio now. These stories about boring people doing boring things– being postmen and secretaries and writing home. I’m not interested in writing […]
JOHN 1980: “That was me, remembering a little event with a woman in Jersey, and a man who was England’s answer to Allen Ginsberg, who gave us our first exposure… I met him when we were on tour and he took me back to his apartment, and I had a […]
JOHN 1980: “‘Sgt. Pepper’ is Paul after a trip to America and the whole West Coast long-named group thing was coming in. You know, when people were no longer the Beatles or the Crickets– they were suddenly Fred And His Incredible Shrinking Grateful Airplanes, right? So I think he got […]
PAUL 1970: “The album was finished a year ago, but a few months ago American record producer Phil Spector was called in by John Lennon to tidy up some of the tracks. But a few weeks ago, I was sent a re-mixed version of my song ‘The Long And Winding […]
JOHN 1980: “Completely me. We recorded the song twice. The Beatles were getting real tense with each other. I did the slow version (Revolution 1) and I wanted to put it out as a single: as a statement of the Beatles’ position on Vietnam and the Beatles’ position on revolution. […]
JOHN 1980: “My son Julian came in one day with a picture he painted about a school friend of his named Lucy. He had sketched in some stars in the sky and called it ‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,’ Simple. The images were from ‘Alice in Wonderland.’ It was […]
JOHN 1980: “That’s Paul again, the unfinished song, right? Just a piece at the end. He had a line in it, (sings) ‘And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make,’ which is a very cosmic, philosophical line– which again proves that if he […]
JOHN 1980: “I’d spent five hours that morning trying to wite a song that was meaningful and good, and I finally gave up and lay down. Then ‘Nowhere Man’ came, words and music… the whole damn thing, as I lay down. So letting it go is what the whole game […]
JOHN 1964: “George and I play the same bit on the guitar together– that’s the bit that’ll set your feet a-tapping, as the reviews say. The middle-eight is the most tuneful part, to me, because it’s a typical Beatles bit.” JOHN 1972: “This was the first time feedback was used […]
JOHN 1972: “Me. I think Paul helped with the middle.” JOHN 1980: “Another of mine. Mainly about drugs and pills. It was about myself. I was the one that carried all the pills on tour… later on the roadies did it. We just kept them in our pockets, loose, in […]
About “Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand” “I Want To Hold Your Hand” was recorded in German as “Komm, gib mir deine Hand” (“Come, give me your hand”), one of only two times the Beatles recorded a song entirely in a language other than English (the other being “She Loves You“). […]
Published on 1968Author: Lennon/McCartneyTrack 28 on “The Beatles – White Album“ Lennon’s quotes about “Cry Baby Cry” JOHN 1968: “I’ve got another one here… a few words… I think I got them from an advert. ‘Cry baby cry, make your mother BUY.’ I’ve been playing it over and over on […]